Saturday, June 16, 2007


A studentless Friday afternoon gave me the time to go through all of the Greenberry House favorite blog list. I mean it, from start to finish. I did go a bit bleary eyed but it was a lot of fun. It made me realize what a technophobic I really am. All of those colors and fancy templates, with cutsey buttons and tabs and bells and whistles. Wow, I was humbled by the skill of those bloggers to make their blogs very snazzy. I remember how thrilled I was to be able to rotate a picture around so that a person or animal is right side up and then put the picture on my blog. But I can't figure out how to put that little picture of myself in the little box on the profile, you know the box that is next to the comment you send. I have a long way to go. Maybe Mia will figure it out for me when she comes back from Europe. She is in Sweden now after leaving Germany yesterday. Mia and Jenny tried to visit one of the concentration camps but found it closed due to a newly discovered mine from WWII that had to be detonated! Imagine that! I was hoping she could see Dachau, near Munich, where my parents lived post liberation. My two older brothers were born in the American Army hospital there and learned German as a first language. They came home to the US in time to have me. Willie and Freddie were begging to go home to Munich which they considered home. My mother loved it there. She lived in a castle that was divided into apartments for Army officers. People were always knocking on the door trying to sell things for food and cigarette ration coupons. Cigarettes were the hottest commodity. Mom said people preferred them over food. Go figure! Mia will attend a wedding in Denmark then sail up the Norweigian fjords before coming home. I admire the Norwegians and Danes (and Finns!) for standing up to Hitler, when my kinfolk in Sweden were complicit with the Nazis. Okay, I know we were taught they stayed neutral but now we know they were doing business with Hitler. Staying alive, staying alive, that's the name of the game. Let me go get my sheep inside the paddock, it's getting dark and I need to count heads.


  1. Maggie, please don't feel as though your blog is any the less for not having fancy-shmancy bells and whistle. I read your blog regularly and you instantly transport me back to upstate New York, frigid winters, rainy springs and all. Now I'm in love with Velvet and worried about Bodie. Your photos make me long for the days I'd drive my ancient Plymouth Valiant over the rolling and ever-so-green hills, looking for just the right spot to get that roller coaster stomach flip. You're a wonderful comminicator; don't be fooled by the flashy stuff.

  2. Hi Maggie,

    In your blogger profile, there's a section for adding a photograph - if there's a picture of you anywhere on the web, just put a link to it in that line.

    I love the simplicity of your blog! Please don't change it. It's one of the things that makes me want to come back and visit your blog over and over again. I really like the clean simple lines, and lots of photos - fancy stuff makes my eyes boggle.



Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!