Sunday, June 17, 2007

Moving In!

After a year of plastic and polyester I can live with my furniture again. I forgot how good some of my funky old pieces would look in the barn apt. Randy and his cousin Greg came to help us move furniture. What a hot sweaty day we spent dragging pieces big and small out of the tractor shed, lifting them into the pick up and driving up the farm lane and carrying them into the barn. The washing off of soot and grime is my job. We even got my pine four poster out of the hay mow. We still have to paint the walls and most of the furniture is in my workshop/anteroom waiting to be washed and polished before actually moving it in. My biggest and favorite piece, my white breakfront, won't fit under the barn apt. ceiling (boo-hoo) and will have to wait until we build a house up on the hill - long range planning.

Mia called from Sweden to wish Matt Happy Father's Day. What fun to speak with her for a couple of minutes, truly, as her phone card zapped out when we had barely spoken. She had enough time to tell me how beautiful Sweden is and how she is a little homesick. I told her that's not allowed! She'll be home soon enough and she should enjoy herself! Now she is headed for Norway and a sail up the fjords.

I gave Randy his graduation gift today - my old front wheel drive Chrysler sedan. He was jumping up and down with excitement. All he has to do is get it running so he can bring it home! I drove it last summer when I first moved here. I was trying to get up my slick muddy farm lane so I put it into low and broke the linkage to the transmission, we think. It's been sitting at the bottom of the drive ever since. Now it will have a home and a grateful mechanically inclined owner.

1 comment:

  1. that is so sweet of you mommy.. what a great idea!! im happy hes getting that!!
    the apartment looks amazing.. i cant wait to have our first slumber party in it!!


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