Saturday, June 02, 2007

Mixed Reviews...

I am having second thoughts about the farmer's market. I think it might be better for me to stay home and make my products for the bigger shows in the fall where I can make some substantial money. Getting up at 5 on a hot, muggy Sat. morning, doing chores, loading the truck, leaving my animals, unloading, setting up the booth, showing everyone a smiley face, taking down, loading up, going home exhausted, unloading. Not much cashola to show for my trouble. This loss of spirit might have something to do with losing my table on the road THREE times while driving home. Stopped and got it strapped back on twice, but the third time it went flying like a missile onto a neighbors lawn, just missing his trailer with table legs and parts all over the road. The guy came running out and I apologized and we had a nice chat. His son just got back from Afghanistan so we have Army sons in common. He said, so you're the lady in the big Kupris barn? I wonder if it will ever be the Alexander barn? I doubt it! I got home hoping to see the Royal Throne installation in progress, but when I saw Matt come out of the trailer I knew he was watching television...bad sign. I was right, no toilet. How do I tell my friends who were celebrating with me at the market? The camp potty situation in the milk room is not improving with the hot weather...but you should see the grass where we empty it - three feet high! The Asians have the right idea about human fertilizer!


  1. Is there someway you can streamline your process? Somehow make it easier for yourself. I know the table has to come with you always, but maybe you could set up a way to put it inside the trailer or take a couple of card tables and a cloth to cover them with. Are you taking a whole trailer FULL of products to sell? And is this trailer one that you need to haul animals in? Maybe you can load up some things ahead of time, or put them in those big tupperware tubs that can just STAY inside the truck or trailer without needing to be loaded up everytime.

  2. There are ways to get more organized, you're right. Now that my big 8 foot table is destroyed, I will invest in two card tables. Matt took my cargo trailer for his carpenter tools, so I have to load and unload every week from the tractor shed.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!