Friday, June 01, 2007

Fireflies Are Here

The field is alight with thousands of little Tinkerbells. Always makes me think of my Hannah. Grandparenthood from thousands of miles away is awful. I am missing too much. Luke and Hannah are coming July 12, don't know how I will let them go home. Haven't seen them in a year. Funny, I got sheep to fill up the enormous void of losing my house to divorce and my kids to college, and my grandchildren to long distance careers - but it doesn't keep me from missing them and prevents me from visiting them as often as I would like. Matt is home now after spending a hellishly hot week on a roof with no shade. I told him I would go back to school rather than do that kind of work, but he says he loves what he does and doesn't want to do anything else. He brought take out from Frank's NY Pizzeria and we ate it on the picnic table on the pasture side of the barn. Llamas came to watch us eat, sheep and dogs all around and little Velvet was tap dancing on the table top as we ate. She stood on tippy toes, twirled around and sailed off the table through the air, as if to show off for us. Tomorrow I have Hamilton Farmer's Market, but I am exhausted. Quickly checked the five blogs I like to read, but nobody updates as much as I would like them to. Have a bag on the machine, trying to finish before I drag myself off to the trailer. Hope Matt made the bed!


  1. what a beautiful big white firefly you have there! :o) Seriously though, I think all dogs prefer to have their pictures taken in the most comfortable pose - on their backs with their feet in the air.

  2. I wish I could take pictures of fireflies! Don't think I have that capability! Isn't Thor just the cutest thing? I try to get him to come in the trailer with me but he won't stay more than a minute or two...he's always on duty.


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