Friday, June 15, 2007

Little Flowery Bag

Gretchen called to ask if I turned off the coffee pot in her classroom. I remember turning it off, because she is always worried about burning the school down. However, since I told her I turned it off I have convinced myself that I didn't turn it off!! I sure hope I didn't burn it down. Talk about burning the hand that feeds you...Oh well, I told Gretchen that I was going to make a bag tonight to take to Hamilton Farmer's Market tomorrow. Gretchen makes fantastic beaded tableware and felted purses, along with neat crocheted scarves. She introduced me to the market, and is a very cool person whose respect I care greatly about...So I had to make it since I told her I would. So here it is. Still can't believe I found this lovely green lining fabric with the tiny leaves running through it. Can't see it properly on the photograph. It's groovy in the flesh - or fabric I should say.

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