Friday, June 15, 2007

Bodie Anti-Depressants

With all this stress and most of our attention being paid to taking care of sheep and building a place to live, I've been worried about Bodie. He is only 8 years old, but recently he has been sleeping a lot longer, and getting a lot grayer. I realized I had only one tennis ball left and it has been on the shelf for a few weeks now. I have to keep it up high or Izzy and the other dogs will take Bodie's balls and lose them. I found this neat sack of balls in, where else?, Wal-Mart today. I have to take time to roll the ball for Bodie. I no longer kick it down the driveway for him to go tearing after. I don't want to cause him to pull or rupture something. Bodie is as old as we are - he was my wedding present to Matt, who had moved around so much prior to our marrying that he couldn't have a dog. Bodie was a Seeing-Eye puppy from Morristown. A littermate had showed signs of a neurological disease and they decided to adopt out the whole litter. My friend Carol was a part time nurse at the Seeing Eye and recommended me as an adoptive mother. When we went to pick him up we had to dress up in surgical gear to avoid bringing anything into the puppy nursery. Suddenly a trap door opened and a ball came bouncing out, followed by several round blonde puff balls, including Bodie! His litter was designated with "M" names and they called him Mumford. For some reason I can't remember we changed it to Bodie. I don't think Bodie would have made it through the rigorous Seeing-Eye training, as he has a stubborn streak and a bit of a temper. He also likes to kill anything fluffy he can get his teeth on, except cats for some reason. We found out the hard way that he loves to kill bunnies! I won't even go there! We keep a close eye on Bodie, and everything is just fine. He and Matt are the greatest of pals.

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