Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Cloudy Rainy Skies

The sun was very fickle today. When I looked out the school window I saw blue skies once in a while, but coming home was an adventure in black skies and lightning strikes. Off and on rain. I had to lie down for a while, since I couldn't sleep after Matt left at 3 am. Work was fine, but the ride home always seems so long. Stopped in New Berlin to get more milk replacer - the last bucket I hope. These bottle babies are VERY expensive, but I adore my Bridie, Brandon and Velvet and want them to thrive. I didn't let the flock out because of the black skies. I found a little doe caught in the fence by her horns. Poor little thing was reaching out to get some green grass and couldn't pull her head back in. I ran for my scissors and clippers and gave her a shearing while I had her caught. Beautiful silky long mohair. Mia would come to help me shear the goats when I lived "down south" they call it here. She would sit on a rock and hold the horns while I worked. We always chatted away about this and that, and I treasured the time together. Matt HATES to hold horns for me, and acts so put upon. Oh, well, married life I guess. Mia took off for Dublin tonight. She should be in the air right now. I miss her already, even though I might not have seen her for the next three weeks anyway. Only thing to do is keep busy, busy, busy. Not a problem around here.

1 comment:

  1. We have to take advantage of our opportunities when we can. Quick thinking to shear the doe while she had herself trapped! Luckily she wasn't hurt while tangled in the wire, and I'm glad you got some nice fleece out of the deal!


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