Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Zero Tolerance

I am starting to worry about myself. I am developing an attitude problem. It must have something to do with age...I have a hard time sitting still and listening to other people's bull%#$^. When we have meetings after work, as teachers often do, I either start falling asleep or I get the uncontrollable urge to make faces at the people sitting across from me. Like I'm trying to crack them up or just break their concentration. I work with some very committed young people who are relatively new at the teaching profession. They are taking all this very seriously. I have not been in teaching all that long, but long enough to know that the only time worthwhile is the time you spend with the kids. And then lunch after that. Lunch is a good thing - chow down on food the kids made in culinary and chat with the teachers. That's when you find out what's going on anyway, over lunch. These after school meetings are almost more than I can take - but it's part of the job. All I can think about are lambs crying for their bottles, or somebody caught in a fence, or a dog run away and causing neighbor problems, or the trailer dogs chewing out a window, etc. Matt calls my teaching job a "farm subsidy." I better subsidize my body with some sleep right now...I groomed my bunny for tonight - I'm trying to do one bunny a night - and found directions to make a Cinco De Mayo pinata with my art class. The sheep are upset that I am taking them off grain - they are fat and I don't want to buy it. There is a lot of complaining going on out there as I type. I bought them extra minerals, supplement blocks to chew on, and I'm giving them extra hay. I wish somebody would put me on a diet...


  1. hang on mommy.. i understand.. i really do.. you have a whole other world outside of that school! but for now, it's allowing you to support the whole world! the sheep will get over thier hunger.. and you can eat fruits and veggies with them! i know you can do it.. you are a ROCK!! and i am so proud of you! try to hold back the faces at the meetings.. i feel that way at school when everyone is whining.. or complaining or being so negative..!!!
    i love you!

  2. Yeah, my husband tells me that my teaching gives us "a little extra", too. I don't care. I love teaching. All those meetings and seminars that they have during the month are extra hours to get paid for that i wouldn't normally have, so they are all gravy for me, whether I get anything out of them or not.

    Who does that handsome face with the big eyes belong to?


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