Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rainy Wednesday

Came home to find everyone alive, no dead bodies, no newborns mewing in the rain outside. With so many bodies in the barn a sheep or goat will go outside, even in bad weather, to be alone when she gives birth. It started to rain while I was at work and I thought, uh-oh. I have Knut and Finn tied up in the barn with metal cords. They are not happy, but I can only leave Thor loose while I am gone and even that makes me nervous. While changing poles this morning because I didn't want them to get bored on one end of the barn (what a fool) Knut made a run for it and mashed my middle finger when the cord tightened around the pole. Man, it hurts. The infected finger next to it is finally healing and I mash another one. I hate to hurt my fingers. Hauling hay bales around with crippled fingers is challenging. Oh, well. Little Velvet took a whole bottle just now - a first for her. Now I have three on the bottle, not too bad. I brought home a sack of cantaloupe, pineapple and melon peels for the chickens from the BOCE kitchen. What a treat. I have to motivate myself to make soap or I will be in deep-doo-doo when the shows and market starts. When it is rainy, cold and dark like it is now I just want to get the bed out and pile the dogs around me and watch TV. There is no room for my spinning wheel in the trailer and the puppies won't let me knit. In my old house, when I had a house, I would have a fire going and about two dozen candles on the mantle. I miss my mantle. I would decorate it for the holidays and always have too much on it - pottery, dried things, candlesticks, family pics, etc. It's a wonder I never burned a house down. There will be no mantle in the barn apt. but when we build our "house on the hill" I will have a mightly mantle - probably a giant old beam over a massive walk-in fireplace. Well, fantasies are free, right?

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