Sunday, April 08, 2007

Thanks, Friends!

A hearty wooly thanks to all the folks who have emailed me and posted comments wishing me well with my farming efforts. It means a lot to a weary farmgirl. For some strange reason, I can't respond to comments posted on blogspot. It won't accept my ID, even though I am a blogspotter myself. So, friends, when you post a comment please give me your email address so I can communicate with you off blogspot. Kathleen from Peru, I would love to talk to you about living in Peru. I love your olive tree picture. Wish you lived closer! It's especially lonely on a holiday like today. No watching my grandkids dressed up for church, or hiding Easter eggs for them. Those of you who have family close by - give them all a hug for me.


  1. Maggie, thanks for letting us know that you can't post comments. I didn't know! Your new babies are beautiful.

  2. Ooops!
    p.s. I'm at


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!