Sunday, April 08, 2007

Immediate Flock Dispersal Due to Nervous Breakdown

Just kidding...but it has the ring of truth. This farmgirl is getting close. I have three moms who don't want to get up and feed their babies. I took Celeste's boy back for another tubing this morning. I rolled her over and squirted milk into his mouth but he is too weak to suck. He just stands next to her, ready to topple. I am wondering if I should let them out of their pens. Maybe they will feel more like mothering if they are free. I have given them every kind of boost-me-up shot I can think of and warm molasses water. Their babies are so tiny. I am definitely taking a year off if I last that long. I have to go back to work tomorrow. Don't know what I will come home to.

1 comment:

  1. oh, Maggie! I know it can be nerve-wracking and exhausting when things go strange and you can't figure them out. I guess you just have to do your best and accept what the future brings. Happy Easter, and get some rest when you can.


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