Saturday, April 07, 2007

Sunny Morning on the Farm

This bundaflicka got some sleep last night and she feels much better. Big Daddy arrived with cat food, lamb milk replacer (why is it more available in New Jersey?) and eggplant parmigian for the weary shepherd. He gets very homesick and lonely for his "Mama" and our Friday night reunions are very nice. Yes, I am a lucky woman! Our happy reunion last night served to fortify us for challenges ahead. I opened the door from the Milk Room to the barn and found that a sheep had rubbed against the hose spicket and turned on the water. The area around the door and walkway I go through forty times a day was a giant pool of freezing water. We have to change the configuration of the watering equipment. Add it to the list. Fortunately the goat babies made it through the night without freezing. Only two slipped their sweaters during the night, but the moms kept them warm. Rowena still won't stand up. I gave her banamine and penicillin last night before I went to bed in case there is some kind of disease process going on. I'm not sure the vet would know why she is lying down all the time. Another day ahead...

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Rowena has a third one not yet born that she's having trouble with...? How are her babies doing? and Sheila? I hope she's not stil standing rigid in a corner! Is it fear that's causing her troubles, I wonder?


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