Saturday, April 07, 2007

New Baby Visit

Kelly and her family came to visit the new babies and help get things organized after the big Baby Boom on Friday. It was a much appreciated visit. Amber and Kelly helped me get hay down, carry water, give bottles and do the chickens. Steven helped Matt take care of Black Jack who had been lying in state all week in the barn, with little ones keeping him warm. Amber collected a dozen eggs to take to the birthday party the family was attending today. She wanted to show them real farm eggs. When they said goodbye Matt and I went out to breakfast, picked up farm supplies at Homestead Feed. I got more Betadine for dressing umbilical cords and more Goat Drench, along with a good supply of molasses. We came home to find that Bandera gave birth to a feisty little white buck kid, who had squeezed under the fence and was running around with the big boys in their pen. Like I said, feisty little guy! Matt promptly rescued him and reunited him with a grateful mom.

1 comment:

  1. Did you find your camera? Debit card? Driver's license? Maggie, have you read "Goat Song", by Susan Basquin? I'm not sure you would have time to read it, but it's one woman's account of living alone on a farm in Michigan, and raising Angora goats. Interesting reading; a lot I can relate to.


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