Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring Surprise

While I was feeding the lambs I thought I heard a peep-peep-peep. I wondered, what kind of bird is that? Heard it again and went looking. A chicken I haven't seen for a while hatched six little chicks! I couldn't believe it. I think she must have been in the old drain pipe under the rabbit cages. What a miracle of life a new chicken mother is. They have incredible mothering instincts, calling their chicks inside, under their wings every few minutes so the chicks don't get chilled. The life lessons start immediately, how to scratch for food, etc. Matt and I put a hat box over them, slid a piece of cardboard underneath and transported them to the chicken room. I don't want cats getting the chicks, or sheep stepping on them. We sat and watched to see if any of the chickens bothered her. One did, and mom fought her off. We were going to let nature take it's course, when the same nasty hen jumped into a nest box and broke open an egg to eat! I guess she is jealous because she doesn't have any chicks! We decided to toss her out of the chicken room and let her roam the open barn for a while. I adore baby chicks. Only had one little chick last year and it turned out to be a big beautiful rooster, who has since run his father off to the far end of the barn. Life is tough in chicken land.

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