Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hard Lesson Learned

Thor and Knut tangled with a porcupine last night. Knut had a paw and nose positively filled with quills. Thor luckily had a few big ones in his nose....I wonder who was the aggressor here? It was quite a wild time getting them out. Knut let me pull out a few with my tweezers then decided it hurt and stopped being cooperative. Matt held him for me and I got them all except a few inside his mouth. When the jaws started snapping I figured it was time to quit. I hope the saliva will soften them up and they will come out. If not, I will take him in to get fixed and ask them to look in his mouth while he is under. I love my big white boys and they love me BUT they are busted once in for all. No more midnight romps. It's the chain gang for them.

1 comment:

  1. Poor babies! Please don't wait long on those quills in Knut's mouth. I've read that they tend to work themselves deeper into the flesh with time and movement.


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