Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Snow on the Fields

I finally got the Easter package off to Las Vegas and the grandkids. I hope they don't think I bought the Peeps on sale. Eric sent me pictures of Luke and his tee-ball team. Oh, he is the cutest one by far! I hate missing watching them grow up. What a slouch I am...if only I were as diligent about other things as I am about my blog! What I could accomplish! Pulled over to take this picture of my farm. Wish I got it before the snow melted...but they say we have had snow on Mother's Day here. When I am living in the barn apt. I will have a nice view of this hill. I rented a scary movie at the Brookfield General Store...might not have been such a good idea. Maybe I will save it for when Big Daddy comes home. The only thing he is scared of is running out of ice cream.

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