Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rowena Looking Better

Went to get Moira's medicine from Leatherstocking Equine. They are quite the fancy place, with beautiful horses and their foals outside. I had my barn vest with my camera in the pocket, so I took these pics. It's cloudy and they were behind a fence...but I was enthralled. Got M.'s meds, Banamine, like Tylenol I think, Salix, a diuretic, and Dexamethasone, a steroid. She also gave me a "white linament" to rub on her udder. Another patient! Murphy Brown squeezed out of the jug again. Not a good sign. Mom is not feeling like mothering right now. I hope the treatment helps. I am trying to nurse out and give needles to a great big 200 ewe by myself. Not easy. Hope the treatment works. I gave MB a bottle of milk replacer to fill that empty belly until mom is working again. Good news is that Rowena got up and started butting another goat! Good sign! She looks terrible but still has her spirit. I gave her Vitamin B complex and some banamine, along with her vitamin drench. Hope she makes it..we've got this far, who knows! It's 50 degrees here, cloudy, wet and muddy. The barn has some water problems from a leaky spicket and clogged drains and everyone has wet feet. I am filthy from all the little hoofs jumping up on me, or rubbing against me when I pick them up for bottles. Have to go to the post office for the first time in over a week - always a scary trip. I must look like the goatwoman from "Cold Mountain." When I first saw that movie I thought, yep, that's me!

1 comment:

  1. Yeay! Beautiful Rowena is up on her feet and at least with enough energy to assert her crabbiness! I hope she continues to get better.

    50 degrees sounds like a heat wave, compared to last week! Warm weather approaches!


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