Sunday, April 01, 2007

Kids Are Alright...

All three doe-moms and kids are doing fine. I have one yearling sheep to lamb yet. She is a great big sheep - Moira's daughter, Loni's granddaughter. I would rather have not bred her at one year. A year and a half is advisable. Moving last summer screwed up my breeding plans but good. She looks scared. I remember her birth. I found her with Moira in the field in Pa. I knew Moira had another one in there and when it didn't come I went in and pulled out a giant dead ram lamb. It almost killed me and thank Goodness it didn't kill her. I had two feet on her rump and every time I got a few inches out, if I let up it would be sucked back in. When I got him out she bled too much for my liking. I called the vet on my cell phone and she told me her seventh C-section that week was on the way in! It was the first I heard of doing such a thing. Now people when I moved from do it routinely if labor goes too long or the birth is unusual. I remember thinking if I had a 4 wheel drive and some manpower I would have done that with Moira. Now her ewe lamb is going to give birth. I hope I am not at work...sometimes new sheep moms are not reliable. My goat moms are as reliable as the day is long. They rarely ever have problems birthing and always, always nurse their kids. I think Dallas Alice, Lola, and Celeste are going to go real soon. Celeste had black triplets last year! She is taupe colored and has turquoise/tan eyes like glass beads. I adore her. Let's see what the day brings.

1 comment:

  1. Yeay for easy births! I've never pulled a kid, guess what? My 12 year old neice has! Mmm...not a kid, but an alpaca. Bethy was at home by herself when she looked out the window and saw one of the females in labor. It didn't come, and it didn't come. So Bethy called her mom, who was in town at the time, and reported the goings on. The vet was called, but couldn't come for a while. Half an hour later, the baby still hadn't come, so little Bethy went out and pulled the baby. I find that completely amazing!


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