Saturday, March 31, 2007

Goatie Express

We took little Santa to Fulton, NY, up by Oswego, where they have the most snowfall of any city in the US, to meet Kim Parkinson who took her home to Ontario. Kim was at at rabbit show, winning ribbons, as usual. It was so hard to hand her over...what a terrific dog. But I have to confess she is in a better home than I could give her. Kim has the picture perfect storybook family, two cute little kids, nice hubby, fenced in yard, stay at home mom, park down the street where all the neighborhood doggies meet to play, all the bunny manure she can eat, etc. Who knows, here she could have been run over by a tractor or eaten by coyotes, unlikely, but I have to say something to myself to feel better! Her name is Java now. Anyway, we stopped in Hamilton to get a California roll at Sushi Blues, picked up 40 bales from Mike Walker (farmers are never off duty) and rolled in to find the trailer rocking with five of my dogs happy to hear the truck. We also found two new goat babies in the barn! One of them was born outside and if Matt hadn't found them, well, it would have been a long, cold night. It took a while to get them all situated in different jugs, clip-dip-strip, moms crotched, babes on the teat, warm molasses water in hanging buckets so kids don't go swimming, AND all the other nightly chores. I got a heat light hung on our first little goat who is too little and trying so hard to hang on, God bless her. I expect more goats tonight and tomorrow. Matt gave up at 9 and went to bed and I've just finished chores at 11. Maybe I can make it another half hour to see Saturday Night Live, which I hardly ever watch anymore. I better get some shut eye, the goatie express has begun, and many more kids will be coming down the pike.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie, how many goats do you have? Kidding and lambing with so many all at the same time must be rough. My sister's alpacas should be starting their births, and the goats as well. We only have 7 does, but we have 10 alpacas due this year, spread out through the spring and summer.


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