Sunday, March 11, 2007

Whoopi Had a Ram Lamb!

I entered the barn this morning to find a little ram lamb standing next to Whoopi. Hadn't heard a thing on the monitor...but the dogs barking all night must have obscured the newborn sounds. I still can't believe there was only one in there. I examined her and got as far in as my arm would allow and nothing's there but gooey placenta that hasn't come out yet. I gave her oxytocin to help get the afterbirth out but nothing so far. I guess she is just F-A-T which would account for the shortness of breath and lying down all the time. It's still a puzzle because I am on such strict rationing of grain and hay that nobody get's too much to eat around here (except me and Matt unfortunately). Whoopi must be very good at pushing other sheep away from the grain dish and eating more than her share. The little ram is very spunky and had been nursing already when I found him. I still nursed out some colostrum and gave it to him, and got his Auntie Jan sweater on - a perfect fit. I'm watching for another lamb, just in case it was tucked way up in there, but I don't think so. Triplets, huh? Live and learn!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have the pattern for the lamb sweaters, or do you just use dog sweaters? I live in Maine and a lot of the babies get cold!


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