Saturday, March 10, 2007

No Babies...

I thought for sure there would be little bundles of joy dropped this weekend, but nothing yet. What gives? It is a balmy 40 F. in the barn so come on girls! Whoopi is so big she can hardly breathe. She pulls herself up for a few minutes then has to lie back down. She will be much more comfortable without that load of lambs. Moira, Fiona, Minerva and Matilda are on I have five total to go. Then the goaties. Matt thinks Celeste is carrying triplets again. They were such a joy to watch last summer. I am hoping for a lot of black does...but will take what they give me. In the meantime, I have grandchildren on my mind! I hope Luke (5) calls me again tomorrow! He is quite the conversationalist. He always asks me "How many days?" until he comes to the farm. When I tell him a hundred he is not quite sure how to compute that big just sounds too far away. I wish it was tomorrow!

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