Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Spring Tease in Central New York

The temperature outside my barn door in the shade is 66 but the sun says 75! Snow is melting like crazy and I sink in when I make my way to the trailer. There will surely be flooding in low lying areas. I am relieved to be on high ground, and although we may be muddy, we are not flooded. I moved here from a town that was underwater three times in a year and a half. I moved here while one flood was being born up river, here in the Susquehanna which poured into the Delaware and sentIt' the flood all the way back to Riegelsville where my neighbor lost two cars and I was cut off from my sheep. AJ was driving the F150 back to Pa. when a raging river poured over route 81, the road we were travelling on. Cars were being carried away while we bombed through it and continued on our way. AJ says that truck saved our lives. I believe it. It's all part of the grand scheme...we got the Sign that said go out and buy that truck - and we were in it when the flood came! They say one foot of snow equals an inch of rain, so all this melted snow should be pouring into the Susquehanna right now, and headed back south to the Delaware. Glad I am here.

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