Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to Big Daddy

Today Mattie is 51 years old. He forgot that today is his birthday, and I almost forgot. Fortunately my little Mia (who has saved me a million times in so many ways) called to wish him Happy Birthday as I was on my way out the door to work. That is what the stress of lambing and so many little lives depending on you can do. I stopped at Homestead Feed on the way home to pick up more lamb milk replacer and bought him a new pair of Muck Boots. He's so easy to buy presents for. I buy them in this order #1 - power tools, #2 - Carhardtt clothes, #3 - boots and socks. It was time for #3, as his old Muck boots were shredding. They come with a nice set of treads now. I finished a pair of socks I had started for Christmas, which made a nice homey wifey kind of gift. It almost seems sad to put these socks on those gnarly feet - but he is my Big Daddy and it is his birthday. Oh, what those feet do for me in the course of a year on the farm! He spent the day fixing the water in the trailer - again - so I could get a hot shower tomorrow and is out picking up hay from Mike Walker's farm in North Brookfield right now. I brought him fried calamari and hot wings from Frank's in New Berlin and he seems to be happy with that. No news on the two job interviews he had recently - bad news - but he has another interview with Loew's in Norwich as an installer scheduled for Wednesday. Please, oh please, oh please let a job come through for him. A man out of work is not a good thing. The masculine provider thing comes into play and it's just not good.

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