Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mattie's Surprise...

When I got home from work today Mattie had a surprise for me...a creep feeder for the lambs! It's adorable! This way the lambs can go in and snack all day long without the big sheep pushing them out of the way. The smaller goats can get in there too, which I don't mind at all. Goats eat much slower that sheep and they are often left with not a lot to eat. Long term plans include seperate feeding of the sheep and goats. It is real cold again and will get colder for the next couple of days. Very nervous shepherd am I. Minus twelve predicted for tomorrow night. Lambs and goat kids wouldn't last long in that kind of cold. We are planning on putting doors in the east end so we can shoo the critters into the inner barn and close it off to make a smaller area to heat. We will also replace some broken windows and basically button up the place. Having some hay in the mow will help, too. This winter we are flying by the seat of our pants...a very cold pair of pants.

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