Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Maggie's Farm on the Web

My web site is up and low and behold I got my first pay pal order. What a rush! Why I have not gotten it together to do this before now is beyond me. Once it is all set up it's so easy. Finding Leslie of Greenberry House was a big step in the right direction. I am such a technophobic it's ridiculous. I grew up watching Howdy Doody, Wagon Train and Gunsmoke. I fantasize about an Ipod with all my favorite 60's songs on it but haven't the slightest idea how to go about it. Tonight Mattie and I got my carder up on Ebay and it took us both an hour to set up the account. I was amazed at how many people put fleeces, roving, etc. on ebay. It somehow doesn't seem as nice as a farmy web site where you can immerse yourself in the environment where the sheep live and practically smell the hay...but the critters have to eat and I am dragging myself into the 21st century reluctantly but optimistically.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Maggie,

    If you're going to advertise, you need the link. I can't get to work.

    Rosey in Tucson


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