Thursday, March 29, 2007

First Goat Kid of 2007!

Okay, so I was going to get my chores done and get back to the trailer and lie down. As I was dragging bales out the East End door to the boys I heard a little baaahhh. Not like the newborn meep,meep that lambs make. This was different. I turned around and there they were, in the far corner, mommie and tiny, tiny newborn, very wet and dirty. What to do, what to do. I decided to get the chores done and threw down a few extra bales from the hay mow. I built a fortress of bales around them, as I had the stanchions to brace it. I got my newborn kit together, picked out a sweater or two, and went to fix them up. Mom was not happy about the idea. Why, oh why, didn't the two lady shearers get these goats done for me last week??? I have to cut enough mohair away from the legs and sides of the goat so that the baby can get to the teat. Easier said than done with one person. I decided to do something I only resort to in emergencies...I pulled her down on her side and lay on top of her. She butted, she bit, she kicked. She managed to get my sweater up in the back and tried to bite me. I was trimming matted mohair, not the easiest job, and wondering if I had a tetanus shot recently enough to work. I knew she had one! I got one teat exposed and squeezed out some colostrum. Tonya jumped on my back to help me and keep me company! Not a good time for playing with Mommy...the little doe kid didn't want to drink her milk and coughed and sputtered, with mom butting me. Kelly and Amber were here last night...would have been peachy if this happened when they were here. It's after 9:30 and I am going to bed. I will get up in the wee hours and get back in with mom to do the other side. I hope she's calmed down by then. In the meantime, the goats births have begun. No rest for the weary, but the cutest little creatures on four feet are coming into the world, on Maggie's Farm.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new baby! And a girl, at that! Yeay! Have you picked out a name for her, or do you have too many to do names?


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