Thursday, March 29, 2007

Dragging My Buttinsky

Oh, Lord Have Mercy, I am tired. I picked up my new glasses on the way home from work. I had only been calling them every day to see if they were in and they came today. I didn't realize how squinting all week had made me tired. Now the new glasses feel like I have magnifying lenses over my eyes. I stopped at the market and got dizzy walking up and down the aisles. What is it about pay day tomorrow that lulls me into a false sense of security??? I bought naughty things like salsa and chips, Creme Brulee coffee creamer for Gretchen's coffee pot in school, candy, coke. The coke happened because of this queasy stomach I have. With all these little lambs running around with messy bottoms could I have gotten something from them? I wouldn't be surprised! I am waiting for the vet to call with the fecal sample. Some GOOD NEWS!!! I got a booth at the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival!!! Shari Mead, the vendor person, emailed me today saying there was a cancellation! Yippee!! They would not accept an application several months ago but said they would put my name on the list and they did! The booth is only $65 for a 12x12. I am thrilled. Now I am free from the Maryland trip. I finally got up the nerve to apply again and was rejected again, but was still going to go to drop off wool to the processor. After I licked my wounds I decided I didn't need more to do in May, since Miapet is graduating from nursing school in May, too. But New Hampshire is great - not as crowded but still a good show, and many sheep friends I would miss at Md. will be at NH. This Bundaflicka will be a busy girl. I have to make soap, bags, creme, etc. Luckily I have a nice amount of roving. Maybe I will bring some well skirted raw fleeces. My head is spinning and my body is telling me to lie down before I begin chores. I mixed bottles and got the little bottle bellies full. Little Tonya is standing at my feet as I write. She follows me everywhere, and scoots through the milk room door so fast I can't keep her in the barn. Steve came to do more work in the apt. Mattie is coming tomorrow night, driving four hours after working ten. He'll be here for three days then back again to NJ. With gas almost $3 a gallon here it is a costly trip. Oh, if only we were both retired and could stay on the farm...I don't see it happening any time soon.
There is so much "Drama" at work. I confess I enjoy it - mostly because it doesn't involve me this time. Who needs TV? I participate in a soap opera every day! I like the people I work with so much. They are my New York Family and I think they are fantastic. The one who tends to rub me the wrong way is easy to avoid. She's a terrific person but can be abrasive. I don't think she even knows it. Voorhees High School taught me to hide my true feelings for the sake of professional harmony, so she will never know how I really feel. They are all so human, and so genuine, and I have a lot of respect for them. I am so very grateful I found this job...well, they really found me but that's another story.

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