Monday, March 05, 2007

Farmgirl Done In...

Well, it was time to get up and get ready for work and the ole' body just said naahh, no way. My mind was racing...meeting today I didn't want to miss, new kid on my support list, how many sick days do I have left, etc. etc. I gave up trying to rationalize and stumbled out of the trailer to get to the computer in the barn. It was snowing hard already and the forecast was terrible. Snow all day and diving temps. Oh, great, I thought. How am I going to manage all this? Sometimes a farmgirl just has to say ouch. Did the computer and decided to go back to the trailer and lie down when something told me to back into the barn. Everything was fine at 3 and 6. The picture shows what I found when I went back to the barn...Mocha was giving birth to two hefty ram twins - one black and one white! I got there when the hoofs were showing and saw the whole thing - a perfect twin birth. The boys were practically hanging on to each other. I love to see them come out in the bubble which soon breaks for them to take the first breath. Mocha is a first time mother and what a champ. Got her jugged up and Auntie Jan's sweaters on. Much to my dismay, I found one udder with mastitis. I put a call in to Dr. Rachel who told me to give her LA200, nurse out the infected fluid, and massage the udder with Bag Balm. After all these years I will use Bag Balm on a real bag!

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe all of the births since i was there! what a week.. and such beautiful babies!!!
    i love you and miss you so much!!


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