Sunday, March 04, 2007

Drama continues...Minerva & Little Tonya

It goes on and on...having a hundred animals, many of them pregnant or giving birth, makes for my very own Reality Show. Who needs TV?

Okay, here's the update as of early afternoon. Thanks be to Jesus, Natasha, the second born black ewe lamb is waling away on Myrna's teat and Myrna is loving it. I guess she decided black is beautiful after all.

Minerva, my BFL/Cheviot cross very pregnant ewe spent the night doing this rhythmic moaning...and is still moaning. We gave her a selenium with vit.E, calcium gluconate, and vit. B complex to boost her up for lambing. I need to go in and examine her to see if she is dilated, but Matt doesn't like me to do that and is reluctant to hold her for me. I guess it is a guy thing...he wants far away from this midwifery business. If this moaning and ears down countenance continues I will call Dr. Rachel tomorrow and ask her to come and take a look.

Little Tonya might have "joint ill" which is an infection caused by bacteria coming through the umbilical cord. Her front knee joint is swollen in addition to her back leg. I soak the cords at birth, but who knows? It is an open conduit for bacteria to get in the lambs...She is on penicillin and I have my fingers crossed. Meanwhile we are babying her and trying to keep her quiet. I hope the pen. doesn't screw up her tummy. She's been doing so well on formula!

Good new and almost completed web site might be up today! Leslie of Greenberry House is doing it, and she is so cool. I can throw anything at her and she does what she can. It is so much harder than I thought. Hope the cart works okay. I still have stuff to give her...

Cold wind blowing across my little valley...cold one tonight! I would like to get some uninterrupted sleep, but I don't know how that is shaping up! One can only hope.

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