Thursday, February 22, 2007

Oye Vey, What A Day!

Starting the day with the birth of a lovely ewe lamb was wonderful. Then a sweet, kind, beautiful fiber artist named Laticia came to buy my wheels and we made fast friends. If I was to fantasize about a home for my wheels hers would be it. She was thrilled that she doesn't have to wait two years for a Robin, now she has two to play with and I have a New York fiber buddy. As I was taking Laticia through the barn to show off my flock, I was shocked to find that Florence Nightingale was not the only surprise her mom, Charity, had for me. There was another strapping ram lamb and a, sigh, stillborn lamb that looked like it died in utero. Later I clicked on the fact that Charity is a triplet! No wonder! Unfortunately, Mom had gotten used to the idea of one cute little lamb and was not nice to the new guy. This happens in the sheep world - if things don't go just right, or mom has a hard time of it, she becomes unhappy and her instincts go awry. It is up to the shepherd to pick up the slack...and I am still trying to make them one happy family. I hear his cries as I type this - cutting right through me just like a human baby's would. We are biologically programmed to be annoyed by a baby's cries - that way we go to pick up and feed it, therefore preserving the species! I just wish it wouldn't cut into my sleep the way it does. Maggie is quite the zombie today...

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