Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Ewe Lamb...

After having a nice birthday conversation with my angel daughter, I came into the barn to find a perfect little ewe lamb, already cleaned off, standing, looking for her mother's teat. Mattie says I should name her Florence Nightingale, the first nurse, in honor of our nurse daughter, Mia. I think that's a great idea. Our conversation this morning was all about the excitement and pride of graduating from UMDNJ this May 21, passing the boards, taking off to Europe with her friend from kindergarten, Jenny Brady, and what type of medicine she will practice. When I say practice, I mean really practice, because Mia plans on going for her MSN and being a Nurse Practitioner. She will help people manage their diabetes, a national problem, with everybody eating fast food, etc. I am so proud of Mia and her brother, who is working on two master's degrees simultaneously in Nevada - Political Science and Theology. He relocated his National Guard status to a unit in Las Vegas. They do op-force training for units all over the country who go there to learn how to fight in the desert. He is working for the Evil Empire, Bank of America during the day, and everything else at night and on weekends. Eric, Annie, Hannah and Luke put him up in their palatial town home in Sumerlin, an upscale planned community in LV. I wish I could spend more time there...but there is a new lamb waiting my care in the barn!

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