Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mia's Surprise Visit

The Saturday morning Donnagh/prolapse delivery was over and the day was still ahead of me. I could have called it a day right there, but a happy event was about to occur. Mia called to say she was coming up after Sat. morning clinicals, no argument. She had previously cancelled saying there just wasn't enough time to come up and get back before Monday morning clinicals and I agreed. I worry so much about her overdoing it, and with nursing boards coming up I want her to save her strength. But she wanted to come and see us and the new lambs, and besides she had presents for us! We ran around like crazy to make the place presentable...the Milk Room and trailer are our only living spaces, and they do tend to pile up.
Mia came loaded with trays of baked ziti, grocery bags filled with kidney beans and ingredients for tacos, and soap wrapping fabric sent by a friend. When Mia comes the room lights up with her radiant presence. She is bubbly, fun and simply wonderfully divine. I think back on her visit now and wonder if it was a dream...She ran around taking pictures of the lambs, puppies, bunnies, and acted like a kid gone wild at a petting zoo. I cooked a fafallel dinner for us and she loved it. Oh, Mommy, she said, what you are doing here is just so COOL! What more could a mother ask for? A daughter who thinks this wild adventure is the neatest thing? How could I be so lucky? We snuggled and giggled on the sofa bed Sat. night. I climbed over her for the wee hour check and watched her sleep for a minute. All the loving, caring and nurturing of the past 27 years was coming back to me exponentially. We got up Sunday morning and Mia cooked us an omelet from eggs laid the day before. She helped me with chores, and we went to get the Sunday paper together. A storm was heading for NJ so we made her leave early to beat the snow and get to her clinicals safely on Monday morning. It was back to work for me, too. Matt said it was great spending so much time with me over the last week. He said, "Was I good to you last week?" He was looking for a job and was totally devoted to the Farm...what more could a girl ask for?

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