Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lilly Has Black Ram Twins!

Mia really hoped to be here for a birth, but that was not to be. When she did her OB rotation she told her professors she was ready for anything because her mom prepared her with lambing on the farm. But this year the ewes did not cooperate. They took some time off while Mia was here. Monday night after work was not something I would like to relive...suffice it to say that I don't ever want to tow Matt and our other truck out of a snow bank again. I succeeded in pulling him too far, up into another snow bank. I couldn't hear the screaming but saw him waving his arms wildly and thought he was telling me to go farther. He was yelling at me to top. When he got out to "talk" to me he locked himself out of the truck with the motor running in a snow storm...oh, well! I had a feeling I would be doing chores alone that night...I was right. I went through the barn with Izzy to move them out and noticed Lilly was lying aside from everyone in that particular posture and far away look in her eye. She was going into the pre-birth trance. I thought if I announced happily to Matt, "Lilly's about to give birth!" that he might come out of his funk...not yet! I went about my business checking back on Lilly. It was a perfect birth...great big ram lamb out like a sleigh ride in a big puddle. I let her lick him off and carried him to the jug. She followed beautifully, and, when inside, had another black ram lamb to match the other. My euphoria died when I nursed her out and found a mass inside one udder. My heart fell to think that these big twins would have to share a teat, and that Lilly, my favorite sheep, should not be bred again. She let me nurse out the good udder without having Matt hold her, my only sheep who will do that. Oh, well, I will be happy if this mass goes away after she dries up, and will give her the rest of her life off. Lilly is the one that walks over to greet me whenever I come in the barn and waits for her nose to nose hello. She is the subject of many of my prettiest photos, together with her friend, Patrick.

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