Monday night and what a storm - after a gorgeous picture perfect weather weekend. Thunder, lightning, driving rain. Big, white, giant puffy cloud formations gave way to black clouds around sunset and the sky grew angry. Baby Thunder came running in from the fields and called me in his sweet melodic trumpeting voice to come out and give him some corn. He was soaking wet and wanted something to make him feel better. All weekend long I kept thinking what a great time it would be to get the fields cut, but it would have been soaked in this rain. You need four dry days to get hay in, and we haven't had that many in a row lately. Storms have been blowing in from the midwest regularly. I got my wool inside just in time. Matt had poor little Tanner tied to the silo on the north side and forgot about her. The rain was coming down in sheets with the sky lighting up and thunder booming. I said where's Tanner and Matt went running out to get her. She's been huddled in the corner of the bedroom nestled in the pile of dirty laundry. Matt apologized and loved on her but she's not coming out. Might be time for chicken bones (soft little ones, ofcourse.) The new sofas are perfect in the living room. Matt can't stretch out on them but I can! Got the old POS sofa out, but had to take the doors off to do it. Fine with me. We'll have a nice bon fire when the kids get here. It's Midsummer today...the day when women romp naked in the grass to promote fertility and bath their faces in morning dew to preserve their beauty. There is an old Swedish saying, something about the night may be short but this night gets the cradles rocking. I was in Finland on Midsummer years ago and gigantic bonfires were standing ready. They could not be lit due to a terrible drought going on there at the time. How exciting that would have been. We'll have fires almost every night when the kids are here. Still testing at work. The kids are doing well considering it's more time and concentration than they are used to spending on one task. Have to go to WM after work and get some big plastic tubs to put some of my fiber art stuff in, along with winter clothes. Just too much clutter in this little apt. The creative mind is seldom a tidy place...
Beautiful Picture! Thanks for all your proctoring prowess (sp?) during Regents week. I could not do it.
I enjoyed visiting your blog, and hope to re-visit soon.
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