I love my time with the sheep and goats in the evening. No matter how hot it is or how agitated I am from a frustrating day at work, the flock calms me down. It is my favorite time of the day. Sheep love a predictable routine. When it is time for me to come they gather by the gate and wait patiently. I get the feed out then let them in the pen. Getting them in to feed at night lets me look them over and if I need to doctor anyone or give shots they are much easier to catch. It still turns out to be a bit of a rodeo...thank goodess for my "cowboy" husband. Without him I would need a couple of working dogs and a chute leading to a shearing stand. Who knows if that would even work out. I let the sheep go, let the goats go, and watch them go back to the field. There is something so beautiful, timeless and magical about them walking in line, or groups, to the stream or to the rosebushes that line the stream. Then it is back to the lean-tos close to the road for the night. When we move to the new farm I will be able to lock them in at night or in bad weather...saving this shepherd a lot of worry.
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