The pond at the front of my property is being expanded to accomodate run off from the 8 more houses they are squeezing into what once was a beautiful farm. I live in an 1836 barn that belonged to the original homestead. This new subdivision was instrumental in my push to get out to the way back yonder and buy my own farm, which I close on this Saturday. BUT I still have an emotional attachment to the little pond and its inhabitants. I had hoped the developer would expand the pond in such a way as to save the fish, frogs and turtles. I awoke yesterday to hear a pump draining the pond in the broiling sun. I called the township, the owner of the pond, no results, just permission to "save all the frogs I wanted." Not good enough... I called the newspaper! A wonderful young reporter came right out and interviewed me as we stood next to the pond, now down to one foot. She got on the phone to the township and the developer. Then she called last night to say she was writing up the story. This morning the pump is gone! I still have my boots and buckets ready...I kept telling everyone that this pond is a living, breathing, viable entity and can't be killed. Yes, the DEP had come to inspect it prior to the developer coming in, but they determined that since it is not a stream it is not worthy of protection! BUT I countered...it is fed by underground streams!
I am sitting on pins and needles, waiting for a knock on the door from the irate developer. I am ready...
In the meantime...the pile of fleeces I should be washing is staring me in the face. I did get two new tote bags completed last night. I always hang them on the stone fireplace when I am finished. There are four there now and need to be many more hanging on the fireplace before the fall shows start. I better get to it.