Friday, February 07, 2020

Snow Day for Real!

Is there anything more exciting for a teacher than to find out that you don’t have to bomb out of the house and hit the road?  I anticipated this day off but I know not to get cocky.  My school has seven sending districts and they all have to close before we can.  All the pieces fell into place and here I am, home on the farm where I belong.  Doggies sleeping on the sofa all around me, kitties making little snores, piled on top of each other in boxes, and the wood stove humming.  I have a long list of things I want to do but for now I’m enjoying just hanging out and listening to the wind against the barn walls.  I made porridge for breakfast and thawed a pot of chicken soup on the wood stove so we’re set for food for a while.  Matt did chores for me and got everybody in the barn where it is cold but dry and out of the wind.

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