Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A New Year

One month down into 2020.  This winter seems to be milder than years past which is a real blessing.  Let’s see what is the news?  After such a long hiatus I’ll try to catch up.

AJ aka Father Aaron has left the US Army after deployments to Cuba, South Korea and Afghanistan and most recently a year serving as chaplain at Fort Drum.  He is living in his hometown of Morristown NJ and hopes to get involved in local Democratic politics.

Mia has moved from Boulder Colorado back to NJ and is working in the emergency department at Jersey City Medical Center.  She loves the farm and is a big help to me in so many ways.

Eric and family are living and working in Monterey California where he is a BSA executive.  Annie misses her Maine house and the knit shop where she worked.  Eric and Luke are happy as pigs in slop.  Motorcycle weather all year round.  Hannah is serving in the Marine Corp at Iwakuni Naval Air Station in Japan doing avionics on F35 fighter jets for the third year.  Luke has joined the Marines and earned a full scholarship to the Virginia Military Institute starting this summer.

The farm is still the farm with plenty of sheep, goats,chickens,rabbits,dogs,cats, and three cows.  I still teach school full time but the farm is my primary job, 24/7/365.  It’s just the way things are.

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