Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I'm Here

My intrepid grandson, Luke, has inspired me to keep writing.  He was here to visit me for one short, glorious week, this summer.  I noticed he would duck into his trailer every once in a while.  I asked what he was doing.  Taking a nap?  He said, no, he was writing in his journal.  That really touched me.  My farm is a story that deserves to be told.  I should keep telling it.


  1. I check in on your blog at east once a week (just in case). Do enjoy reading about your sheep, goats, cows. ducks and chickens. Please do continue.

  2. So glad to hear you are still there, think of you occasionally and wonder how you are making out and what your animals and grand children are doing. And Luke!! What happened to the cute little guy?? Is a surprise to see him all grown up!! Has that much time passed. He is a very handsome young man!

  3. So glad you're writing again! I have checked on you often too - interesting and admirable story of your very hard work there!

  4. You have been missed!

  5. Pacca Patty2:58 PM

    I check in on you often, and was surprised when you stopped. I know you are a busy lady, but please continue telling us the story of your farm.

  6. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Yeah for grandson. I've kept checking! Please write. Helen


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