Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lamb Count - 34 Goat Count - 3

So much has happened in the last month it's hard to know where to start.  The minus 28 nightmare nights and icy commutes are buried in a fog and I'm trying to let them stay there.  I have 34 beautiful lambs alive and leaping.  Two angora goats gave me "Nugora" kids, a product of  little runty Spikey getting loose from the pen with the big Nubian girls he couldn't mount.  They are adorable and will give me some fiber, not much, but they are making their mommy does happy.  I cuddle them and let them suck on my chin.  My lambs quickly become too big to cradle in my arms, but the goat kids stay little longer.

The sheep have been out on the hillside for a few days.  There is a green tinge to the hill from the tiny sprouts coming up through the thatch.  Ordinarily I would not let them out so soon but I am almost out of hay.  I found hay to get me through another two or three weeks in hopes warmer weather would bring the grass.  Cold temps and icy rain conspire to keep it underground but the grass is struggling to the surface.  The sheep don't care, they want out. The bellowing at the barnyard gate was finally too much to take and I let them out.  They LOVE it.  The lambs are nibbling at the juicy green shoots and running hither and yon, rejoicing in the fresh air and wide open space.


  1. skeindalous6:33 AM

    Glad to hear from you again. The lambs are darling, and the kids, too. Although I am not a goat fan, for the most part. It has, indeed, been an odd spring. Heat and sun, then actually cold again, and lots of rain. Isn't the texture of the views of budding trees lovely? So many shades of green.

  2. So glad to see you back blogging, have missed reading about your adventures.


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