Thursday, March 05, 2015

Sofa Time

Spouse came home from Schnectady tonight.  First thing he said was you didn't go to work today???  Funny, it took him a half hour to get my van unstuck from the storm Tuesday night , that is, after he got his tractor stuck.  He had to chip the ice and snow from around my tires and pull me out with his company van.  Like I would have gotten out to go to work anyway?  Certainly not with triplets and another ewe lamb still wet from their mother's womb. I was thrilled when he presented me with a pound of French Roast, grapes, bananas and a lox bagel from a Jewish deli in Schnectady.   He helped me a great deal tonight.  We got Edie and her lamb from the way way back and put her in with her sister, on the advice of Laurie O"Neill who I purchased them from along with her Wensleydale ram, Gippetto.  Sister Finnute was not thrilled but they are working it out.  Matt helped me get the triplets and their mom, as big as a pony, out from behind the stanchions and up to the maternity ward.  I did my backward walk holding the trips at eye level in front of her to keep her moving along.  It was quite an armload, over 20 pounds of lambs I'll wager.  Triplet three will definitely be supplemented with the bottle.  Oh, what handsome foursome they are.  Good thing my shearer is over six feet tall.  Jim Baldwin handles the big ones easily.  This mom is gigantic.  I will also supplement the ewe lamb belonging to the ten year old plus ewe.  She just doesn't look heavy enough for me.  Lots of work for me but worth it in the end to see them thrive.  Everybody else doing fine and the single ram lambs are busting out of their sweaters.   Early bed for me as I'll have to go out with a  bottle for little . triplet. Would love to bring him inside but mom loves him. Can't beat a mother's love. 

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