Thursday, March 05, 2015

So Far This Morning....

It's 9:45 and so far this morning I've done this much:

Mixed bottles for the Big Black Twins.  They were screaming for them when they heard the barn door close.
  Four new born lamb cords clipped and dipped.  Three sweaters on. Mom doesn't want any part of me pulling on her teats.  She's about 200 pounds and I'm not.  She won.  Blocked triplets mom with babies together with plywood found in the hay mow.
 Milked out Edie  fed her ewe lamb.  Edie's not crazy about me pulling on her teats either.
  Toted hay and water to maternity ward, forked hay to the way back, carried water to them.
 Carried water and feed to the piggies, who wanted to eat the new lamb born near their fence.  Not a chance.
 Fed watered bunnies.
  Fed and watered chickens.
 Oh, and walked the dogs.
 Back inside.  Quickly fried the egg I found under a rooster in the chicken room and put in on the rice from last night.  Just like grits!  Yummy...

My day has just begun.  Keeping 23 lambs alive is a big job.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Maggie, it's amazing that despite this really cold weather the lambies have done so well - thanks to their shepherd for working so hard, on minimal sleep! Also thanks for putting the extra time in, documenting it all in your photos and blog posts.

    Wish I wasn't away on the edge of NY State, if I lived close by, would love to stop in and be a lambing assistant - helped out on a sheep farm in Shropshire, UK for several years at lambing time, just to get hands on experience, before we moved to the USA. Even doing the rounds with the hay and water seems like a neverending circuit, get to the end and it's time to start again - let alone tending to the medical needs of the newborns and the ewes.

    So sorry to read about moldy hay, especially as you had been saving it for when it was really needed - thank goodness you had some of the other batch left. Maybe you can swap the moldy stuff for non moldy with a cattle farmer if the cows don't mind it!

    Look forward to warmer months down the line, watching all the lambs grow, get outside on green grass, and seeing you rewarded with so many lovely fleeces to work with.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!