Saturday, March 14, 2015

Piles of Lambs

I love to watch the lambs pile up for a nap.  Some of them have already outgrown their sweaters.  I pull them off and lovingly wash them to save for the next lambing.  With temps at 40 F. now I don't have to worry about frozen lambs.  I do have Nubian babies coming, probably in late April or May, and hopefully they won't freeze.  We have had snow on Mother's Day so I can't be too sure.  Every sweater has a story.  They've been knitted by friends and sent to me from far away, even other countries.  It is very gratifying to pull the knitted tubes over shivering newborns, wet from their mother's nurturing tongues giving their first bath.  The lambs stop shivering and curl into a bundle, like they've gone back into the womb.  Sewn or purchased garments just won't do for my lambs.  They are bred for wool and wool they deserve...with love in every stitch.

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