Thursday, February 05, 2015

Drifting Through Winter

We seem to have more snow every day.  Getting out of the driveway and on to the road is more of a problem than driving once I get out on it.   The old girl is out gunned by deep snow.  Would love a better tractor with a front loading bucket....dream on.  Made it in to school without mishap.  I only have two stop signs in 25 miles - yes, we are in the country - but I have to make sure I give myself ample time to stop or I slide right through them.  I had my annual evaluation today, which had me a bit nervous.  The new principal is a very nice lady but I never know about the kids in my high school equivalency class.  Turns out, they were fantastic, asking questions, paying attention.  When she left I told them I would kiss them if I could.  A chorus of eeeewwwww's rang out.  Very relieved that is over before lambs start coming and I really lose my wits.  B-day Studio Art was much better today largely due to the 7 foot tall professional football player part- time classroom aide who filled in for the regular aide who usually comes with them.  Oh, it was a beautiful thing.  Yes, my students respect size and power.   Once home I was greeted by a drifted over front door and walk.   Fortunately a shovel was standing where the concrete is and I used it to dig my way in.  It was a quick walk out with the doggies, who ran back to the door holding one frozen paw up at a time.  I'm pulling on layers of clothing while stoking up the fire in anticipation of chore time tonight.  Spouse is bringing home Chinese tonight.  I think he figured four nights of pulled pork in a row was a bit too much, as delicious as it is.  I'm turning in early as the fretful night of tossing and turning over my observation/evaluation today is taking a toll. Or is it the cold?  Would turn in right now if I could.  I'd like to comb out another bunny tonight and get some angora yarn spun.  My three exquisite angora scarves were stolen out of my pick up truck three years ago.  It will take years of work to replace them.  I curse myself for leaving them in there.  In the meantime my angora socks will have to do for warmth in my cold clammy barn boots..  

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