Monday, February 09, 2015

Bunny Sighting

I had not seen her in a while and feared she was dead.  Surely she was taken by the hungry fox living under the piney ridge, in the den under the big tree.  Maybe my own dogs got her.  She was not peeking out from behind the round bales while I was forking hay, watching me curiously.  I had worried about her getting water.  Was she licking snow and ice? I was putting a bowl of water up in the hay mow for her to drink, but it was quickly  filled with dirt and debris from the ducks up there.  So I waited and watched from the corner of my eye while I worked, unlayering the bales and tossing down the hay.  Suddenly there was a blond streak across the hay mow and it wasn't a cat.  It was Louise!  Yes, that's what I call her.  Louise.  If I ever catch her, and she turns out to be a boy, she can be Louis.  I don't see that happening.  Louise is not a wild rabbit, but she is wild. She let me get closer than I ordinarily do, and I thought perhaps she missed me.   I hope she stays around.  I hope she manages to stay alive.  I guess if she's stayed out of trouble this long she must be one smart bunny.  

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