Friday, December 19, 2014

Sixteen Candles

Sixteen years ago today at the United Methodist Church in Morristown, New Jersey, we gathered our families and friends together to make us legal.  Sixteen years later, by the Grace of God, we are still together.  I don't know how.  The deck was stacked against us every which way, as we were thrown together in a cataclysmic series of events.... but here we are...working the farm together.

Eric and Annie came from Louisville, Kentucky, with baby Hannah Margaret, just five months old.  Mia came home from her freshman year at the University of Vermont.  AJ came from American University in Washington, D,C.  Matt's son from a brief childhood marriage, Sean Redmond, flew East from San Francisco.  Brian Redmond, son of Matt's brother, came to celebrate with us.  My pure silk dress was on the sale rack in the basement of the little bridal salon across the street from the church.  I couldn't believe my luck - it was love at first sight.  I did the alterations myself.   There were three bridesmaids gowns there that were recently returned as they were not the right color.  I got them for a song and loved the color as it went perfectly with the church that was decorated for Christmas.  I wore Mia's gown on our honeymoon cruise to the Caribbean.   Matt's Irish National Tartan was rented from the Argyll in Newark.  He swore he would never wear a "dress" again.  Too bad, as I think he looked fantastic in it.  I made the bouquets with ivy and pine twigs from local land.   The roses and baby's breath was purchased in town.   In retrospect I think I should have made myself a head wreath to match.  I could have been a Swedish St. Lucia bride.

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