Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014 #3

Soon it was Christmas Eve and the presents were around the tree.  Annie made baked haddock with pesto sauce and broccoli.  The Yule Glug was perfect.  My Swedish Opa, Knut Birger Alexanderson, brought that tradition to this country with him and we've continued it through the years.  The fiery, spicy, wine warms the coldest, dampest night.  Mia arrived and brought her sunshine with her, along with a car load of beautiful designer jackets and jeans for Hannah  I wore my favorite red plaid granny gown.    Mia and Annie wore matching slinky red pajamas.  We were quite the festive scene.  Annie's newly re-decorated great room, with the trio of white Ikea sofas, was perfect to accomodate our party.  Eric and his friends had just finished installing a gleaming oak floor.  Hannah's tree was a glittering beauty.  We went to sleep with visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads, greatly enhanced by Jule Glug.

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