Wednesday, November 12, 2014


The weather yesterday was lovely.  Sunny and breezy weather is perfect for drying fiber.  I was shopping in New Hartford and couldn't wait to get home and spread out the chartreuse mohair that was in the washing machine tub.  With the days so short now it didn't get completely dry, and I'll have to figure out where to spread it out inside as today's weather took a turn toward winter.  The kitties love when I put fiber out on the rack.  They jump up and rub their faces against my hands as I pull the locks apart.  I'm going to send this fiber out to be spun into yarn.  I'm phasing out of the roving process.  I have way too much wool and mohair to spin myself.  I'm years behind on spinning the roving I have stored here.  I've been a hand spun snob forever, and it will be an adjustment, but I'll get used to it.  Roving is hard to display in a booth and takes lots of room to transport.   I will always have a hand spun basket in my booth, but now I'll have mill spun, too.  It will still be my Mother Fiber, from happy sheep who are not raised for meat and who never, ever endure the horrors of an auction.  Now to decide which mill to use.  Any suggestions?

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