Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I was flying along the road to Utica this morning when I saw a wagon full of cabbages.  I turned around and went back to check it out.  The farmer's wife was selling cabbages, brussel sprouts, squash and potatoes.  I adore cabbage.  I'm famous in my school for the cabbage soup I used to make for a certain student to keep him coming back to school.  Cabbage is very, very good for you.  It keeps colds and viruses away and tastes delicious.  Sadly, spouse hates cabbage soup.  He calls it Russian Prison Soup, after the books he read by Alexander Solzinitzen.  Whatever.  I bought 20 of the big, beautiful cabbages and three brussel sprout trees.  I gave two cabbages to my chickens who feel the same way about cabbages as I do.  I figure they will thank me with delicious eggs.

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