Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Here and Gone

Annie and Hannah came to collect young Luke and take him home.  They arrived in time to celebrate his birthday with home made apple pie.  It had been so long since I made an apple pie I had to look up a pie crust recipe online.  It was okay but tasted more like a cookie than a pie crust.  I used Granny Smith and Golden Delicious apples.  Took a long time to peel but the sheep were very appreciative of the trimmings.  I wish our little party could have been better attended and more festive.  It was quiet and intimate.  We sat outside and watched Luke build the last fire of the summer.  Annie just returned from a big Boy Scout conference in Anaheim, California, the day before she drove to the farm and was rather jet lagged.  Hannah finished her job as camp counselor at Eric's Pine Tree Council BSA camp, Camp Hinds just a few days ago.  We all remarked that summer went way too fast.  I served the big smoked ham and  yellow rice dinner and we sacked out on the sofa to watch the latest Dr. Who which we had recorded for Hannah.  Luke and I snuggled one last night.  I was keenly aware of the fact that snuggling with Luke is less and less enthusiastic with each passing year and now is always initiated by me.  He is on the cusp of manhood and very into acting very "manly."  It may be a few years before he will hug with certainty again without inhibition.  We were all up early for bacon and Swedish pancakes.  The 1980 VW campmobile was packed, motorcycle loaded, and off they went - Annie with a quart of very strong French Roast on board.  It was not too long before the phone rang and I heard the bad news - the VW had lost it's transmission not a mile down the road.  Hannah and Luke hiked back while Annie called the tow truck and rented a one-way-trip car out of Utica.  The camper was towed back to the farm and parked by my pole barn.  I drove them to Utica and said good-bye again.  Luckily I was able to ship a big box of lovely orange BFL to Frankenmuth while I was near Staples.  The second parting was not as painful.  I knew they had to get home and do a day of back-to-school shopping before starting back tomorrow, Thursday.  It's lonely without my side-kick around.  I'm thrilled I had him as long as I did.  Luke kept Matt company during his convalescence, and they were able to make a day trip to Manhattan.  I had him for a week post Summer School.  I had Hannah here for less than 24 hours but at least I was able to see how she blossomed working at the camp.  I'm keeping busy with a trip to the Louis Gale Feed Mill, chores, and cutting out Bundaflicka Knitting Totes.  I'm so far behind with product for shows.  The only thing I will have plenty of is WOOL, and beautiful it will be - once I get it back from the mill.

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